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Class Schedule

MARCH 2025

Purchase price includes live class AND a recording for five days after release to allow you to achieve maximum results and practice on your own schedule.

Dates and times are subject to change without advanced notice. If you register for a class and there is a change made, you will be notified and comped for that class.

Keep checking back for updated offerings or register for our mailing list to receive updates, noting in the comments you would like added to the Live Classes mailing list.

March 4


10:30am-11:45am ET

March 6


10:30am-11:45am ET

March 11


1:00-2:15pm ET

March 13


1:00pm-2:15pm ET

March 18


10:30am-11:45am ET

March 20


10:30am-11:45am ET

March 25


10:30am-11:45am ET

March 27


10:30am-11:45am ET

Pain Relief & Increased Mobility...

That Lasts!

Why Fascia Tension Release?

Imagine feeling less pain and more freedom in your movement after just one class. That’s exactly what you’ll experience in this Myofascial Release (MFR) class! Many students notice increased flexibility and mobility, with pain relief that lasts for days, weeks, or even months.

Is This Class for You?

This class is perfect for you if you

  • have chronic pain that isn't improving with chiropractic care, medication, or stretching alone

  • stretch often but aren't gaining flexibility and wonder if your yoga or stretching practice is actually working

  • are recovering from an injury or surgery but feel stuck or like you've hit a plateau

  • hear or feel clicking, snapping, or popping when moving certain joints or muscle groups

  • have old injuries or scars causing discomfort, even years later

  • feel like your body is just falling apart!

If any of this sounds familiar, myofascial release may be the missing piece to your wellness routine.

What is Fascia?

Fascia is a web-like connective tissue that surrounds and supports every muscle, bone, and organ in your body. It allows for smooth movement, helps with balance, and even plays a key role in how your brain processes pain, proprioception, and sensation.

When fascia is healthy, your muscles move freely, and your body feels fluid and pain-free. But when it becomes tight or restricted, it can

  • Constrict nerves and blood flow

  • Cause pain and discomfort

  • Reduce muscle function and range of motion

Common causes of restricted fascia include repetitive movements, injuries, stress, emotional trauma, and even prolonged inactivity.

How Can Myofascial Release Help?

Think of your fascia like a tangled rubber band—when it tightens, movement becomes restricted, and pain sets in.

Self-Myofascial Release (MFR) applies gentle, sustained pressure to release these tight spots, allowing your body to move freely again.

In this class, we’ll use pressure and compression techniques to:

  • Release knots and improve circulation

  • Rehydrate muscles for better function

  • Reduce pain and restore movement

You’ll walk away feeling lighter, looser, and more in control of your body.


How do I access the class?

For live sessions, you’ll receive the location address or a Zoom link if joining online. A recording will also be available for 5 days after class.

What tools do I need?

Required Equipment

  • Massage or tennis balls

  • Foam roller

    Recommended Equipment

  • Yoga or exercise mat (for comfort)

  • A long sock to help guide the massage balls to hard-to-reach areas on the back and neck

    See my wellness and movement recommendations here!

    If you are joining in person, a limited number of massage and/or tennis balls will be available for you to borrow.

Can I participate with a medical condition?

Always check with your doctor first, especially if you have:

  • Circulatory issues

  • Infections

  • Advanced diabetes

  • Unmanaged hypertension

  • Lymphedema, cancer, or heart disease

  • Aneurysms

  • Serious illnesses

    If you have fibromyalgia, you may need to use softer or padded tools.

You must sign a liability waiver before participating in classes.

What if I have an injury?

MFR can support healing, but do not roll over:

❌ Swelling, bruises, or open wounds

❌ Unhealed stitches or varicose veins

❌ Fractures, blood clots, or deep vein thrombosis

You must sign a liability waiver before participating in classes.

Can I participate if I have had a joint replacement?

Yes! MFR can help with recovery, but avoid direct pressure on artificial joints.

You must sign a liability waiver before participating in classes.

Is MFR safe during pregnancy?

Firstly, congratulations!!

Yes, except for three areas: trapezius, thumb, and calf, as they are linked to the pelvic floor and could stimulate labor.

You must sign a liability waiver before participating in classes.

How can I share my testimonial about what MFR has done for my body?

Thank you so much for your willingness to share your testimonial of how our Fascia Tension Relief class has made an impact in your life! To share, please email [email protected]. If you are willing, please include your name, occupation, location (state/province), and a headshot so we can add your testimonial to our website!

A huge shoutout to Yogi Flight School for providing the instruction and research for the information for this page and the class!

This class is your shortcut to moving better, feeling better, and living pain-free. Are you ready to release tension and restore your body? Join us today!

A Christian Alternative to Yoga

Transform Your Workouts into Worship!

What is PraiseMoves?

As stated on the PraiseMoves website, PraiseMoves is a Christian alternative to yoga, a series of stretching and strength-building postures, each linked to a verse of Scripture we focus upon while doing the posture. For example, during The Angel posture, we are meditating upon or speaking aloud Psalm 91:11, “For He shall give His angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways.”

In this way, we are not only building strength, flexibility, and balance in our bodies; we are also being “transformed by the renewing of (our) minds” on the Word of God (Romans 12:2), nourishing our spirits and praising the Lord through His Word.

We are experiencing the truth of PraiseMoves' foundation scripture, “For you were bought at a price, therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's” 1st Corinthians 6:20.

It is our belief that the postures are NOT the foundation of PraiseMoves. The Word of God, as found in the Bible is the foundation. The exercises are the “witty invention” to get you more into the Word, and to get more of the Word into you!

Learn more by visiting the PraiseMoves site!

Why I Changed to PraiseMoves

Instead of Yoga

I have the autoimmune disease Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Because it wasn’t diagnosed early, for decades my thyroid swung between overproducing and underproducing hormones until it finally began to burn out. Being a Type A, driven, high-achieving person, I ignored the symptoms, accepted my doctors’ advice that medication was the only option, and pushed through. I ran half-marathons, played competitive tennis, worked full-time, and went to graduate school—all while my body was crying for rest.

In 2017, my body hit its breaking point. The stress of my husband leaving me and my five-month-old baby—right after we had moved states, changed jobs, and settled into a new home—was too much for my system to handle. I had no choice but to reevaluate everything. I started with food, becoming a nutritionist and diving into healing through diet. But I quickly learned that no meal plan could heal the underlying damage of chronic stress and an overburdened nervous system. Lifestyle changes were necessary, too.

At that time, I realized I needed to step away from long-distance running, at least for a season. But I still wanted to stay strong and active—so I turned to yoga. It was everywhere, and everyone recommended it.

By 2020, I had been practicing yoga semi-regularly with YouTube videos. When the pandemic hit, my husband encouraged me to pursue certification, and I became a 500-hour certified yoga instructor.

That’s when my convictions started stirring.

The Unavoidable Roots of Yoga

During my training, I learned more about yoga’s origins, and I couldn’t ignore what I was discovering. The word “yoga” means “union”—not just physical movement, but a spiritual practice aimed at uniting with the “Higher Self” or the universe. I studied books linking yoga poses (asanas) to Hindu gods like Krishna and Hanuman. I learned about Kundalini, a serpent energy supposedly coiled at the base of the spine, meant to be awakened through yoga to achieve spiritual enlightenment.

As I mastered the movements, I found myself praying spiritual protection over my practice, asking that no influence of Kundalini or false deities would enter me. I wanted to hold onto the physical benefits of yoga while stripping away its spiritual roots—but I wrestled deeply with whether that was even possible.

Even as I led classes, including at my church, I felt conflicted. I dedicated my movement to God, prayed before and during practice, and meditated on Scripture rather than emptying my mind. But something inside me remained unsettled. Was I truly glorifying God? Or was I falling suspect to the lure the enemy had laid in our society's acceptSub-Headlineance of this art?

The Breaking Point

For years, I continued to practice with modifications, searching for clarity. Then, in early 2025, something happened that changed everything. A dear friend—someone who loved God deeply—fell into a devastating spiritual battle. As I sought wisdom from strong believers, I kept hearing the same warning:

We don’t always know how the enemy gains access to our lives. Maybe it was something seemingly innocent—like yoga, acupuncture, or energy work—that unknowingly opened a door.

The weight of Mark 9:42 hit me hard:

"If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea."

I couldn’t ignore the possibility that, even with my good intentions, I might be leading others into spiritual confusion. I had a choice: I could continue teaching yoga and live with that uncertainty, or I could make a radical change. Jesus never hesitated to challenge traditions and turn things upside down for the sake of truth. So, I followed His example.

I stepped away from yoga.

What is PraiseMoves?

As stated on the PraiseMoves website, PraiseMoves is a Christian alternative to yoga, a series of stretching and strength-building postures, each linked to a verse of Scripture we focus upon while doing the posture. For example, during The Angel posture, we are meditating upon or speaking aloud Psalm 91:11, “For He shall give His angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways.”

In this way, we are not only building strength, flexibility, and balance in our bodies; we are also being “transformed by the renewing of (our) minds” on the Word of God (Romans 12:2), nourishing our spirits and praising the Lord through His Word.

We are experiencing the truth of PraiseMoves' foundation scripture, “For you were bought at a price, therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's” 1st Corinthians 6:20.

It is our belief that the postures are NOT the foundation of PraiseMoves. The Word of God, as found in the Bible is the foundation. The exercises are the “witty invention” to get you more into the Word, and to get more of the Word into you!

Learn more by visiting the PraiseMoves site!

How is PraiseMoves Different from Yoga?

PraiseMoves is fully rooted in God’s design. Its focus is honoring Yahweh, the Creator of heaven and earth. Instead of aligning with energy centers or mythical figures, we align with Scripture. Each movement is paired with God’s Word, strengthening not just our bodies but our spirits.

Furthermore, we meditate on the Word - Scripture. We do not attempt emptying our minds, for Jesus warned us against empty minds in Mathew 12:43-45,

"When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none. Then he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first."

Yes, some postures resemble yoga poses—because the human body can only move in so many ways. But the foundation is entirely different. This isn’t about enlightenment or inner divinity. It’s about worship, healing, and dedicating our movement and our lives to the Lord.

Mission Statement

Foundation Scripture

For you were bought at a price; therefore, glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's

1 Corinthians 6:20

Mission Statement

To bring the Word of God to Believers and Pre-Believers worldwide through the uncompromising vehicle of Christian fitness, so that they will know what belongs to bron-again followers of Jesus Christ.

Our passion is to inspire women, men, and children to have their minds renewed by God's Word so their lives will be transformed. They will be enabled to pray in God's will, develop a working, practical knowledge of the Word, and walk in the Believer's Authority, so they may break through to success in EVERY area of their lives as 'Fit Witnesses' for Christ in spirit, soul, and body.


How do I access the class?

For live sessions, you’ll receive the location address or a Zoom link if joining online. A recording will also be available for 5 days after class.

What tools do I need?

Recommended Equipment

  • Yoga or exercise mat (for comfort)

  • Yoga blocks*

  • Yoga strap*, belt, or towel

  • Pillow

  • Blanket

  • Journal and writing utensil (to write anything God speaks to you during the session)

    See my wellness and movement recommendations here!

    If you are joining in person, a limited number of massage and/or tennis balls will be available for you to borrow.

Can I participate with a medical condition or injury?

Always check with your medical doctor before embarking on a new exercise routine and ensure you have been released for exercising if you have a medical condition or injury. PraiseMoves workouts may include light aerobic exercise, dyanmic and static stretching, strengthening and balance exercises, and inversions (putting your head below your heart). We focus on deep, diaphramatic breathing, which may induce dizziness in people with certain conditions. You must sign a liability waiver before participating in classes.

Is PraiseMoves safe during pregnancy?

Firstly, congratulations!!

We always encourage you to check with your doctor first. Generally speaking, if you have already been active doing regular workouts before becoming pregnant, you can continue exercising during pregnancy. One added benefit you will receive when you do PraiseMoves is Scripture. There is Scripture tied to every PraiseMoves posture and your baby will be hearing the Word of God while you exercise with PraiseMoves! How awesome is that

Just like everything else when you are pregnant, pay close attention to what your body is saying, do not do any postures that do not feel good, avoid any twists and inversions (putting your head below your heart), and make sure you do not lie on your tummy once you are past the recommended date to do so.

You can refer to the PraiseMoves FAQ section on Pregnancy for more information.

What do Bible scholars, teachers, pastors, and Christian apologists have to say about PraiseMoves?

From the PraiseMoves website:

Dr. Laurette Willis has been featured on numerous Christian talk shows on TV and radio (TBN, CBN, 100 Huntley Street, Oasis Radio, Moody Radio, American Family Radio, and others), as well as in Christian and secular magazines (Charisma, Christianity Today, TIME, Newsweek, and others) talking about PraiseMoves and the dangers of yoga.

Here is the article that “started it all” from the formerly-known Today's Christian Woman magazine. Read “The Truth About Yoga” by Holly Robaina, featuring her eye-opening article about the dangers of yoga, and the PraiseMoves difference.

In addition to numerous pastors, ministry leaders, and Christian authors who have written favorably about PraiseMoves as a true Christ-centered ALTERNATIVE to yoga, we have received good reports and positive comments from Christian authors and experts on world religions and cults such as Mike Shreve, and Jill Martin Rische (speaking favorably about PraiseMoves and quoting Laurette in the remarkable tome The Kingdom of the Occult, completing the work of her father Walter Martin); Thelma Wells; the Christian Research Institute, Bible teachers Joni Eareckson-Tada, Florence Littauer, Christine Darg and others.

How can I share my testimonial about PraiseMoves?

Thank you so much for your willingness to share your testimonial of how PraiseMoves has made an impact in your life! Firstly, I pray you give all glory and honor to God for what He has brought to your life through this ministry. To share, please email [email protected]. If you are willing, please include your name, occupation, location (state/province), and a headshot so we can add your testimonial to our website!

A huge shoutout to PraiseMoves for providing the instruction and research for the information for this page and the class!

Ready to strengthen your body while deepening your faith? Join a PraiseMoves class today, and turn your workout into worship!

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Your Mind, Body,

& Spirit

Reduce stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.

Increase strength, flexibility, and resilience.

Be equipped for every good work.

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(419) 871-3898

Bucyrus, Ohio

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